A Revenge Form of Fitch's Knowability Paradox for Russellian Typing Knowledge


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Rok publikování 2014
Druh Vyžádané přednášky
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Filozofická fakulta

Popis It is already known that typing knowledge is capable to resolve Fitch's knowability paradox. The present paper focuses on a special form of the recently raised criticism of Russellian typing knowledge which consists in a revenge form of Fitch's paradox. The revenge problem was suggested by Williamson, Hart and also Carrara with Fassio. The basic idea of the main form of a revenge Fitch's paradox employs quantification over type levels. However, the formalism evoked in the criticism is ambivalent. Suggesting a proper method of quantification over types, I examine several possible readings of the revenge paradox. As I show in details, if such readings were viable, they would violate the proper typing rules. It seems thus the there is no revenge for the Russellian typing approach to Fitch's knowability paradox.
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