Entrance examinations
On the basis of admissions, only applicants who have completed master’s studies may be admitted for doctoral studies.
Admissions to doctoral study programmes take place twice a year: at the end of the spring term (studies commence in the autumn term) and at the end of the autumn term (studies commence in the spring term).
Admission procedure documents
1. Dissertation project in English
- prepared for the research topic announced by a supervisor and approved by the Doctoral Board
- the applicant shall choose a supervisor and research topic according to their interest and previous professional experience, or they may, in agreement with the supervisor, propose their own research topic, which must be approved by the relevant Doctoral Board
- its scope is 8 – 12 standard pages; the project shall include:
- motivation of the applicant for the chosen research focus of the dissertation
- the state of scientific knowledge in the field of research
- a basic idea of the intended goals of the dissertation and its intended benefits
- the planned method of processing the dissertation.
2. Structured professional CV (and/or with an attached list of publications) in English
3. Motivation letter in English
4. Proof of achieved education
- an MU graduate shall submit a plain copy of the Master’s diploma
- a graduate of another university in the Czech Republic or Slovakia shall submit an officially certified copy of the Master’s diploma
- a graduate of a university in Hungary, Germany, Poland or Slovenia shall submit an officially certified copy of a Master’s diploma (documents must be officially translated by a certified translator into Czech or English)
- a graduate of a university from other countries shall submit an officially certified copy of a Master’s diploma and proof of previous education abroad, which is verified either by recognition (the applicant inserts an officially certified copy of the decision) or by verification directly at the ECON MUNI Office for International Relations. The certification must be completed by the date of enrolment in the study set by the Faculty.
If the applicant does not have the documents specified above at the time of submitting the application, they may supply them additionally, but no later than on the day of enrolment in the study.
5. The consent of the potential supervisor to lead the applicant
- the applicant shall contact the potential supervisor after selecting the research topic and send them their CV and a motivation letter; to mediate the contact it is possible to use the assistance of the coordinator for doctoral studies at a phd@econ.muni.cz
- the supervisor shall confirm their consent to lead the applicant in writing.
1. Master's (or Bachelor's) Thesis in English or journal article (or any other output) of your research activities.
Form and content of an entrance examination
The entrance examination for all PhD programmes at FEA MU takes place in two rounds.
In Round 1, the Admissions Committee assesses the written materials submitted.
Round 2 takes the form of an expert discussion/interview on the submitted dissertation project and selected research focus before the Admission Committee (without electronic presentation) in the range of a maximum of 30 minutes.
The Admissions Committee assesses the professional interest and level, motivation, knowledge in the field and overall readiness of the applicant for doctoral studies.
The entrance interview is held in person.
- a foreign applicant who, for serious reasons (e.g. due to a visa requirement) is unable to attend the entrance examination in person, may submit an application for the entrance examination by means of remote connection (in the form of a video conference call).
Competence in English is required at level C1 of the European Classification and is assessed by the Admissions Committee on the basis of submitted materials (1st round) and in a professional discussion, which is partly conducted in English (2nd round), according to the required standards of the programme.
Detailed information can be found in Conditions for admission to doctoral study programmes at the Faculty of Economics and Administration.
Practical information
Tuition fees
Tuition fees: 0 EUR per study year (2 semesters).
Legal elements of admissions
Preconditions for admission
Preconditions for admission to a doctoral study programme include proper completion of master’s studies. The Faculty of Economics and Administration of Masaryk University complies with the provisions of Sections 48, 49 and 50 of Act No. 111/1998 Sb., the Higher Education Act, as amended, and will define passing an entrance exam as another condition for admission. Applications are decided by the faculty’s dean on the proposal of an admission committee, which recommends the applicant on the basis of the entrance examination results, subject to the affirmative opinion of the relevant doctoral board.
Applicants with disabilities
Applicants with various types of disabilities are assisted by the Assistance Centre for Students with Specific Needs – Teiresiás.
The centre can offer assistance to people with sense impairments or physical disabilities, chronically ill people, people with mental problems or specific learning difficulties. The centre provides assistance to these people, ranging from services of the personal assistance control centre through a wide range of aids, to consultancy and a separate university-wide study department.
Students can ask for assistance at entrance examinations at the time of completing an e-application. For more information about the centre, visit www.teiresias.muni.cz. You can contact the centre at teiresias@muni.cz.
Making an appeal against a refusal notice
Applicants who have not been accepted may submit a request for review of a decision within 30 days following the date of delivery thereof. More information can be found here.
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