1 Dec Troy Mix: Collaborative Public Administration for Resilience and Recovery in the US (Lecture) We would like to invite you to a special lecture (out of this course but with some links to public policy issues) which will be held next week on wednesday 1.12.2021 at 4PM at faculty (room 215) by Troy Mix from USA on Collaborative Public Administration... from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM
2 Dec Giacomo Battiston: Informing Risky Migration: Evidence from a field experiment in Guinea (MUES seminar) Click here to join the webinar Abstract: Can information provision reduce the risks associated with irregular migration? We address this question conducting a large-scale experiment with about 7,000 secondary... from 3:00 PM
8 Dec Filip Červenka: Economic inequality and anti-system parties (research proposal) (MUES seminar) Rising economic inequality has been a long-lasting trend across the world for the last few decades. At the same time, we can observe the rise of extremist and populist political parties in many countries,... from 12:00 PM