Změna investičních nákladů regionálních rozvojových projektů

Title in English Cost overruns in regional development projects


Year of publication 2020
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference XXIII. mezinárodní kolokvium o regionálních vědách
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Keywords cost overruns; evaluation of the regional development projects; realization period
Description The aim of the paper is to verify whether there is an increase in the amount of investment costs in regional development projects between the time of decision and completion of implementation. This assumption was not confirmed in the evaluated set of 911 projects implemented with the support from the Regional Operational Programme South-East in 2008-2015 in the South Moravian Region and the Vysočina Region. The average difference in investment costs is -3.7%, it means decrease of the investment costs. In terms of the identification of causes, only a slight dependence on the length of implementation was documented. Dependence on investment volume for projects up to CZK 100.0 million was not confirmed. The largest increase in investment costs was documented for projects implemented by the private sector (average increase in investment costs by 17%). A likely cause is the effort of the private sector to maximize the use of subsidies.
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