Group Membership and Gender Competitiveness


BAISA Barbora

Year of publication 2018
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Description Nowadays, women represent larger percentage of positions in political life and private sector than ever before. Nevertheless, they still remain underrepresented in the leading positions of political systems and corporations. Also, the percentage of women in the Czech political life is still relatively low. The lack of women in government, positions of presidents and prime ministers or other leading functions at all can be partly explained by their lower willingness to enter a competition in comparison with men. Further to the studies showing that women are equally skilled, educated and productive, the question arises how to encourage qualified women to compete. The analysis of the information gathered via conducted laboratory experiment shows that inducing a team identity (group membership) increases competitiveness of high-performing women without loss of willingness to compete of high-performing men. In addition, no significant (neither positive nor negative) change in the performance among both men and women was found.
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