Avoiding plagiarism


The gravest violation of rules of text writing (the greatest offence in the academic world in general) is constituted by plagiarism, i.e. a theft or fraudulent adoption of intellectual property of another. Plagiarism by its definition is always perceived as an intentionally committed offence. It is in your own interest to fully familiarize yourselves with the definition of plagiarism and with the binding rules of source acknowledgement (i.e. quoting the sources of adopted passages and ideas) which are governed by the Act No. 121/2000 Coll. on Copyright and related rights.

Teachers are obliged to inspect adherence to these rules and ask the Dean to initiate disciplinary proceedings with a student committed plagiarism. The Faculty disciplinary board is guided by the Disciplinary Code and the proceedings may even result in an unconditional expulsion from the study programme. There is a tool in the IS MU called „Vejce vejci“ (Find similar documents) which you can use to check your work for plagiarism. You just need to upload your work in your IS Depository and use the „Vejce vejci“ tool (it is a symbol of 2 eggs) to be sure you have cited all used sources properly as the similar parts of the text are highlighted.

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