Územní systém ekologické stability krajiny


This publication doesn't include Faculty of Economics and Administration. It includes Faculty of Science. Official publication website can be found on muni.cz.
Title in English Territorial system of Landscape ecological stability


Year of publication 2010
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Description Presented territorial system of ecological stability of landscape(ecological network) was elaborated accordig to act 114/92 Sb. about the nature and landscape protection. Nowadays it consists of 109 so called representative biocentres (core areas) of supraregional importance. They represents natural and semi-natural biota of respective biogeographical regions. Area of each this biocentrum is bigger than 1000 ha. Rare and of small areas valuable ecosystems are present in so called unique biocentras of supraregional importance; there are 15 of them in the Czech Republic. They include ecosystems as steppe graslands, rock steppes, ecosystems of sand dunes and peat-bogs. All biocentras are interconnected by biocorridors (ecological corridors). They are proposed in directions of most probable or known biota migration routes. In the map biocentras of regional importance are presented too, but biocorridors of regional importance are not presented because of map legibility.
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