Možnosti spolupráce univerzit s ostatními aktéry regionálního rozvoje (případová studie)

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Title in English Possibilities of cooperation

KLÍMOVÁ Viktorie ŽÍTEK Vladimír

Year of publication 2009
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Úloha univerzít v regionálnom rozvoji
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Field Economy
Keywords university; regional development; work experience; partnership
Description The contribution deals with possible ways of cooperation between university and its partners in region. The paper is created in the form of case study that on the example of some concrete department (department of regional development) shows how the cooperation can be realized in the practice. The article deals with cooperation in the form of students' work experience, conference partnerships, students' excursions, elaboration of socio-economic analysis, expert reviews, research studies and so on. The contributions contains summary of experiences with various ways of cooperation and evaluation of benefits of them.
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