Possibilities of Assessment the Effectiveness of Active Employment Policy in the Czech Republic

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ŽÍTEK Vladimír

Year of publication 2002
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Employment, unemployment, under-employment
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Field Economy
Keywords active emloyment policy; effectiveness; program evaluating; unemployment; labour market
Description In short time the effectiveness can be viewed as effectiveness of public finances (comparison of expenditures for active employment policy with the possible costs for passive employment policy, comparison of expenditures for active employment policy with the public budgets income, if the expenditures evoke this income), but also as social effectiveness, which can be explained as the ability of the active employment policy instruments to maintain or induce a certain rhythm of work. Long-term effectiveness, i.e. real effectiveness, when the number of unemployed people is decreasing. Long-term effectiveness can also include, however problematic it may seem, solidary effectiveness, which can be interpreted as the ability of society to employ handicapped people.
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