Svoboda plane v každém z nás. K Hejdánkově interpretaci palachovské symboliky


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Title in English Freedom flames in each of us. Towards Hejdáneks interpretation of Jan Palachs symbolism


Year of publication 2018
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description There are many possible interpretations of Jan Palach and his self-incineration. The wide range of these is based on differences between contexts, in which it can be seen as an answer to societal and/or to political circumstances. Even contradictory approaches are included. One of possible interpretations can be found in work of Ladislav Hejdánek. In analyzing his perspective, the specificity of his thinking must be considered - grounding in the so called „non-objectivizing“ approach. This is important, because thanks to it, Palachs self-incineration is seen as symbol, that has deep social impact. Although it is not thought through at first, later it becomes one of reasons, why the social manipulation by leading persons becomes unbearable. Aim of this paper is to present main aspects of Hejdáneks non-objectivizing political-philosophical interpretation.
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