Využití finské metody Profesní seniorita® pro rozvoj začínající kariéry u studentů vysokých škol


This publication doesn't include Faculty of Economics and Administration. It includes Faculty of Arts. Official publication website can be found on muni.cz.
Title in English Using the Finnish Method of Professional Seniority for Developing Career Development in University Students


Year of publication 2018
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The aim of the presentation is to outline an example of the good practice of the Finnish educational program Towards Successful Seniority TM, which has been implemented in the Czech Republic since 2016 under the title "Professional Seniority®". The Department of Educational Sciences at the Faculty of Arts of the Masaryk University is the first institution to use this method in the Czech university environment in the teaching of a group of master students of Andragogy and Pedagogy. The aim of the program is to support and develop skills and competencies important for future employment and competitiveness in the labour market. The program is licensed by the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health to support career management, professional qualification, and employee wellbeing, which enhances participants' opportunities to find successful career solutions, empowers them to cope with potential failures, and can be a tool to prevent depression or burnout. Although the method seems to be working particularly well with a group of students with a direct labour market experience, we want to draw attention to the potential of the Finnish Institute of Labour (FIOH), in line with the results of the FIOH, to highlight its potential and positive feedback from a group of university students.
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