Tax Burden and Economic Growth in OECD Countries: Two Indicators Comparison



Year of publication 2016
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference 34th International Conference Mathematical Methods in Economics 2016
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Field Economy
Keywords Economic growth; tax burden; tax quota; World Tax Index
Description The aim of this paper is to examine possible effect s of tax burden on real economic growth in 32 OECD countries. The research is focused on individual components of two tax burden indicators. A tax quot a is used in most of the similar studies and World Tax Index is an alternative. Inst ead of concentrating on the ag- gregate effects of tax burden, we rather focus on t he effects of individual taxes in both indicators. These individual indicators are se parately added into the augmented endogenous growth model with physical capital appro ximation as well as other con- trol variables. The dynamic panel regression is use d as a method to analyze any tax burden effects in a time period of 2000-2013. Main findings of this paper are that product taxes show the most significant adverse eff ects on the economic growth. Re- sults also indicate that property taxes can positiv ely stimulate economic growth rate. There is a certain contradiction between our result s and majority of similar empirical studies. Any distortionary tendencies of corporate income tax quotas are identified as statistically insignificant in analysis and have no effects on economic growth.
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