How to Analyze Metaphors in the Discourse of the Scientific Discovering of New Media?


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Year of publication 2015
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description Hypertextual linking of information is one of the basic principles of digital media. I suppose this principle to be discovered in a metaphorical thinking with the help of so-called absolute metaphors. We can ask, how to recognize and how to analyse metaphors in the discourse of the scientific discovering of new media? I derive the notion of an absolute metaphor from Hans Blumenberg's metaphorology (1962). My aim is to present his metaphorology as method useful for interpretation of absolute metaphors involved in a discourse of discovering a new media. As an absolute one, I want to present from metaphorological perspective the metaphor ‘association is trail’, mentioned by Vannevar Bush (1945). I will interpret this metaphor according to Max Black's interaction theory (1979), based on an analysis of implicative complexes in metaphor. As will be shown with the help of Blumenberg's and Black's method, an absolute metaphor cannot be easily captured by an literal paraphrases. It means, its interpretation is still open to new implications. And such openness is from pragmatic point of view crucial for the realisation of hypertext as a new medium. My aim is to explain, why to use and combine Blumenberg's and Black's method. Why this method seems to be appropriate for purposes of research in mentioned context. My last aim is to suggest some specifications of described method. These specifications will be designed with the respect to the context of using metaphor in the discourse of discovering and inventing a new media.
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