Trial access to the unique database ProQuest One Business

We have provided you with trial access to the brand new, unique ProQuest One Business database combining business and economic information in one place. We have examined the database and can state that it is a remarkable and comprehensive source of information.

18 Mar 2021 Jaroslav Nekuda

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It contains economic analyses of companies, countries and individual industries from the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), Fitch Solutions, reports from J.P. Morgan and profiles more than 4,000 companies, professional journals (more than 2,600) and e-books (over 25,000) from reputable publishers.

Also up-to-date full-text business news from the Wall Street Journal and The Economist, a collection of videos (over 21,000) that includes interviews with business leaders, relevant dissertations (more than 55,000) and case studies (over 15,000).

Be sure to give it a try! Trial access is guaranteed until April 23, 2021.

Access to the database is possible here:

For remote access from home, search for Masaryk University and log in with your university account.

More information about the service can be found here:

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