The final thesis is one of the essential parts of the study, in which each student demonstrates the ability to think independently and analyse problems. Therefore, it is necessary to pay great attention to the elaboration of this document and to follow the rules that determine its formal and content requirements.
How to write a thesis
The process of writing a final thesis is divided into several steps, including enrolment in three consecutive courses. Students enrol in these courses (which are also listed in their study plan as compulsory) according to this table:
Bachelor's students: |
Master's students: |
Bachelor's thesis assignment (4th semester) | Diploma thesis assignment (2nd semester) |
Bachelor's seminar 1 (5th semester) | Diploma seminar 1 (3rd semester) |
Bachelor's seminar 2 (6th semester) | Diploma seminar 2 (4th semester) |
Each course listed above represents one part of the work required from the student:
1. Bachelor's/Diploma Thesis Assignment
- At the beginning of the semester, when you enrol in the Bachelor's/Diploma Thesis Assignment course, you must select a topic for your thesis. This is a big decision, as it will shape the direction of your research and writing. You can choose a topic from the Topic Lists in the IS during the period set by the Schedule of the Academic Year (beginning of the semester when you are enrolled in the Thesis Assignment course). If you prefer to propose your own topic, you need to find a supervisor willing to guide your work. You can ask your study advisor for recommendations if you’re unsure who to approach.
- Study advisors for Bachelor's students: Study advisors - Bachelor's studies | Faculty of Economics and Administration, MU.
- Study advisors for Master's students: Study advisors - Master's studies | Faculty of Economics and Administration, MU.
- This course is designed to help you develop a clear plan for your thesis. Once you’ve chosen your topic, contact your supervisor to discuss your plan for the semester. Together, you’ll create a Bachelor’s/Master's Thesis Description, a binding document that outlines your thesis topic, structure, and the literature you’ll use. This description will be stored in your IS profile and will become an integral part of your thesis. Credits for this course are awarded based on the submission of this description.
2. Bachelor’s/Diploma Seminar 1
- This course requires you to stay in regular contact with your supervisor and work on your thesis according to their guidance. It’s essential to follow the rules specified in Directive No. 9/2019 and use the official thesis template. This ensures that your thesis meets all formal requirements.
3. Bachelor’s/Diploma Seminar 2
- Following Bachelor’s/Diploma Seminar 1, you will enrol in Bachelor’s/Diploma Seminar 2. This course focuses on completing your thesis. Continue to work closely with your supervisor and ensure that you meet all deadlines. Credits for this course are awarded upon the submission of your final thesis in the IS Thesis Archive. Be sure to check the Schedule of the Academic Year for the deadline for uploading your thesis to the IS Archive.
Avoid Plagiarism
Citations and Plagiarism
It’s crucial to adhere to all established rules and guidelines. It is in your own interest to fully familiarize yourself with the definition of plagiarism and with the binding rules which are governed by Directive No. 9/2019. Violations, whether intentional or due to negligence, can have serious consequences. Your supervisor is also obliged to inspect adherence to these rules and to check your submitted thesis. By plagiarizing, you risk failing courses related to creating your thesis. Additionally, you could receive a “not passed” grade for your final thesis defence. The Dean may also impose disciplinary sanctions, including expulsion from your studies.
To make sure you avoid trouble related to plagiarism, make sure you learn how to cite properly by:
- Attending the course Academic Writing,
- Reading the information on the Avoid Plagiarism web.
You can also use the "View similarities" app in the IS to check your document, or you can schedule a consultation on citations in the ECON MUNI Library.
Submission of the thesis
The final thesis must be submitted electronically to the IS Thesis Archive. Students do not submit a paper version of the thesis. The deadline for submission is set by the Schedule of the Academic Year. The secretary of your department supervises the correct form of the thesis.
What is important to check before you submit the thesis:
- You use the official template,
- Your thesis includes the official Bachelor's/Master's Thesis Description (you can download it from the IS: Print Thesis Description). The Description included in the thesis does not contain signatures.
- All citations are in accordance with the regulations. If you need help with citations, you can schedule a consultation in the library.
Once submitted, the thesis may not be handled in any way. It is not possible to make any alterations to it, whether formal or content-specific. Only in the event of an unsuccessful thesis defence at the Final State Examination, when the examination board rates your thesis with the „not passed“ grading, may you make changes to your thesis or write a new one and submit it to the newly created archive. However, your previous final thesis will remain deposited in the IS. The basic rules of thesis writing, submission and defence are governed by the Study and Examinations Regulations.
Making a part of the thesis non-public
If the final thesis contains confidential data (e.g., internal accounting or trade secrets), you must sign an agreement with the relevant entity before accepting these data. The official template is in Annex 3 of Directive No. 9/2019. This agreement will then be part of your Application for making a part of the thesis non-public in the IS. This application must be submitted in the IS at least 30 days before the deadline for submission of the thesis.
If the application is approved, you need to divide the thesis into two separate files (name them PUBLIC and NON-PUBLIC) and upload them to the thesis archive. After you do so, ask the secretary of your department to hide the non-public file. If you do not do so, all files will be made public upon submission and archiving. The PUBLIC section must clearly state the goals, results, and reasons why certain parts cannot be published.
Please note that the final decision on which parts of your thesis may be hidden rests with your thesis supervisor. Before proceeding, it's recommended to discuss with your supervisor the extent to which content should be hidden. This can even be outlined as part of your thesis assignment.
Download the Thesis template Consultations on citations
- Directive No. 9/2019 Preparation, Submission, Publication and Evaluation of Bachelor’s, Final and Master’s Theses
- Measure No. 2/2017 On the classification of non-public parts of final (bachelor's or master's) theses
- Study and Examination Regulations of Masaryk University Section 22, 23, 31, 34 and 36 in particular
- Schedule of the Academic Year Thesis submission and Final State Examination dates
- Disciplinary code for ECON MUNI students
- Citation standard ISO 690