Interpretace očekávání těch druhých sociálními pracovníky


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Title in English Social Workers Interpretation of Expectation by Those Others


Year of publication 2020
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Sociální práce - Sociálna práca
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Keywords social role; interpretation; personal understanding of expectations; social workers
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Description OBJECTIVES: The article is answering the question: How social workers do interpret expectations of “those others” in their organizational environment? THEORETICAL BASE: The answer results from the supposition that performance of expectations depends on personal interpretation of the expectation by those who perform it. METHODS: The answer is based on deductive-qualitative secondary analysis of findings resulting from the interviews with 16 and the survey of 729 social workers. OUTCOMES: Social workers who were interviewed conceive expectations by “those others” as obstacles to autonomous social work with clients or to routine services operation. They anticipate their responses to these obstacles in terms of promoting interests of clients by affecting “those others” or to adjust clients to service operation. SOCIAL WORK IMPLICATIONS: Social workers accept obstacles which they suppose implications of the expectations by “those others”. Based on this finding the author recommends social workers to pay attention to the following questions: Do you understand your role in organizations in normative or interpretative terms? What is the impact of your role understanding on your professional autonomy in your work with your clients?
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