
The Doctoral Study of Regional Economics is not only about an academic career in the faculty, practice is important too, and you need to know how the things are done in different institutions.

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Doctoral students of the Regional Economics programme have the opportunity to undertake an internship in the premises of foreign institutions that would be held at least one month, preferably during the 5th-8th. semester, i.e. after completing all courses and the Final State Examination. The internship can be completed at a prestigious foreign university (outside the Slovak Republic) or at a scientific research institute, but also at various institutions at the subnational level. You can also participate in summer universities.

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Why an intership?

We want our graduates to aim high, so it is important for us that students try to go abroad, improve their language skills and gain priceless experience! Having an internship abroad is also a matter of prestige, and we firmly believe that this will enrich your curriculum vitae.
The doctoral students can also undertake an internship in  Czech institutions, the Department cooperates with, for example, the Regional Authority of the South Moravian Region, the South Moravian Innovation Center and the Railway and Transport Administration of the Czech Republic. During the internship in Czech institutions, the PhD students will learn about the application of Regional Economics in practice, they will be able to participate actively within the department and gain new knowledge, skills and contacts. The student will receive 10 credits for undertaking a non-compulsory internship.

Is it possible even without an internship?

Of course it is! Based on the Dean's Doctoral Studies Directive, you can replace the internship by participation in an international project with results published or presented abroad or other forms of direct participation in international cooperation.

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