FACULTY OF ECONOMICS AND ADMINISTRATION Title of Thesis > Master's Thesis SURNAME NAME Supervisor: [Write the name and surname of your supervisor (including their academic titles)] field of study [Write the name of your field of study] > Brno [Write the year of submitting your thesis] Bibliographic record Author: SURNAME NAME Faculty of Economics and Administration Masaryk University Choose the name of your department Title of Thesis: Title of Thesis Field of Study: [Name of your field of study] Supervisor: [Supervisor] Year: [Year of submitting your thesis] Number of Pages: 4 Keywords: [Write from 5 to 10 keywords. The same keywords must be inserted into the Thesis Archive in the Information System of MU.] Abstract [Write an abstract (from 500 to 600 characters including spaces). An identical text of the abstract must be inserted into the Thesis Archive in the Information System of MU.] Declaration I certify that I have written the Bachelor’s/Master’s Thesis Title of Thesis by myself under the supervision of and I have listed all the literary and other specialist sources in accordance with legal regulations, Masaryk University internal regulations, and the internal procedural deeds of Masaryk University and the Faculty of Economics and Administration. In Brno, 09 January 2018 ....................................... SURNAME NAME Acknowledgement [You can write an acknowledgement (not compulsory).] Table of Contents List of Graphs 10 List of Tables 11 List of Images 12 List of Abbreviation 13 1 Introduction 15 2 Title of Chapter 16 3 Conclusion 17 List of literature 19 Attachment A Title of Attachment 21 Index 23 List of Graphs List of Tables Nenalezena položka seznamu obrázků. List of Images Nenalezena položka seznamu obrázků. List of Abbreviation [Abbreviation/Term] – [Definition] 1 Introduction This template is not mandatory, it only presents one of the possible typographic formatting that meets the requirements for the final work. A base letter is required for the base text, such as Cambria. The font size of the base text is set to 11 or 12 points. Rowing is allowed to a maximum of 1.5. Use italics to highlight important words in the text, only in bold fonts in particularly justified cases. The desired text alignment method is "in block", word splitting is usually not turned on, but is not a defect. For introducing words as in the previous sentence, we use the quotation marks, i.e. at the beginning "and at the end". Chapters List of Literature, List of Tables (or Images and Schemes), List of Abbreviations and List of Appendices not to be numbered, other headings yes, by Arabic numerals separated by dots at lower heading levels as shown on previous page. Note that the headings are assigned styles named Heading 1, Heading 2, and Heading 3 (depending on the heading level). We strongly recommend that you create headlines using the styles, as this will make it easier for you to further process your work electronically. More than three levels of headings are not used. Headlines (i.e., Heading 1 style) should begin with a new page. For the base text there are styles called Paragraph 1 and Next paragraphs. The style “Paragraph 1” is without an indentation and is used for the first paragraph under a heading, image or quote. The style “Next paragraphs” has an indentation and is used for the other paragraphs except the first one. Keep a uniform look at the tables and charts. At the end of the work, add the list of tables, charts, schemas, and images. 2 Title of Chapter 3 Conclusion List of literature [1] KORNAI, János. Velká transformace střední a východní Evropy: úspěch a zklamání. Politická ekonomie, 2006, roč. 54, č. 4, s. 435–465. [2] KOČIČKA, Pavel – BLAŽEK, Filip – MOHELSKÁ, Libuše. Praktická typografie. Computer Press, 2004, 296 s. ISBN 80-722-6385-4. [3] Internet. In Wikipedie: Otevřená encyklopedie [online]. c2007 [cit. 2007-12-04]. Dostupné na WWW: . [4] STÁRKA, Luboslav. Podvod ve vědě. Zdá se, že falšování nemá šance na dlouhodobý úspěch. Vesmír [online]. 1997, roč. 76, č. 12, s. 673. [cit. 2008-03-20]. Dostupné na WWW: . ISSN 1214-4029. Attachment A Title of Attachment Index Nebyly nalezeny položky rejstříku.